transformed by renewing my mind_day 12

I think I keep hoping for a cure for my personality.

I was secretly hoping there was a pill that would change me from an introvert to an extrovert, that would make me like being social, joining stuff, going to parties, hanging out with groups.


All the cool kids are extroverted, social, partying, joining, hanging out with groups kind of people.

And I’ve always wanted to be a cool kid. I confess it. Their lives just seem so much better to me.

But then I stop and wonder, are they better? Or are they just better at coping, or even pretending that life is sunshine and roses?

And every time I wish there was a cure for my personality, am I not disrespecting God who made me just the way He wanted to make me? Psalm 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I need to focus on being the best version of me I can be, to step into the version God made, before life got in and altered who I am. Restored to the original.

His… Michelle
Philippians 1:20

This is day 12 of #Write31Days.

All posts can be found here.

five minute friday: write

Write for five minutes. Don’t think too hard. Just write. Then share over @thegypsymama. There’s only one rule. Visit the link before yours and leave an encouraging comment.

The word this week is write.


Writing, it’s the way I communicate best. Why? I hate conflict. Passionately. Writing allows me to say what I want to say without saying the wrong thing, without inflaming situations.

Whenever I get in trouble, it’s through the spoken word. Whenever I’m confronted with something, I’m usually left speechless, frustrated, thinking after the fact of all the things I should have said.

Writing gives me a voice. I’m an introvert. I like to be alone. Writing gives me an outlet to speak in silence.

I have a lot to say. So I write.


His… Michelle
Philippians 1:20


Maybe Not As Weird As I Thought?

As most of you know, I am weird. I’m also a little goofy, well maybe I’m a lot goofy. I’m definitely quirky. I have things that bug me. I have things that make me crazy. Here for your perusal is a list of things weird about me.

  • I don’t like crowds
  • I’d rather sit on the end than in the middle
  • I like to be alone
  • I don’t like parties. Too many people
  • I don’t mind talking to a crowd, I just don’t want to meet them
  • It turns out I like people, I just don’t like meeting them
  • I told you I’m weird. Or so I thought. Then I found some interesting articles describing introversion. I discovered my weird aversion to crowds is actually a sign of introversion!

    It’s not that I am a wallflower or shy or just plain weird, I just need space. In the article about 23 secret signs of being an introvert, I have 18 of the 23 things. Can you guess which ones?

    I do take issue with the American Psychiatric Association wanting to classify introversion as a personality disorder though. I mean come on! If they’re going to say I have a personality disorder, they better classify extroversion as a personality disorder too! Extroverts are far more weird than introverts. Seriously, don’t we all have a personality disorder in some form?

    I’ll go with who I am. God knows what he was doing. 🙂

    Psalm 139:13-14
    For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

    His… Michelle
    Philippians 1:20

    Tell me what you think? Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
