receptionist’s log: 3 July 13

So there was a fire on the dock this morning right off the gangway. Forklift. Then there was a fire alarm at around 2:30. Craziness. But wait! There’s more!

After dinner, I ran out to the mall for hair clippers. I took the wrong turn on my way out of the mall and ran into an emergency scene. Young guy, maybe mid 30s to 40 laying on the ground, blood pouring from his nose, eyes open, unresponsive to the mall nurse. Then he had a seizure. Then he went into cardiac arrest. Then they started CPR. I offered to help but they were too focused. It took FOREVER for the ambulance to come.

Why God? Why did I need to take that wrong turn? Why did I have to see that poor poor guy? Does he know you? I sure hope he does because by the look of him, he is on his way out of this life. Oh please save him! i know You can! Please take care of his poor family! And for the love of Spain, make that mall get an AED!!!

I took a cab back to the port. The ship is pretty deserted at this time of day. I have nobody to talk to but you and the Lord. I haven’t seen death in over a year. It’s not pretty. When I finally walked away, I looked up. Hundreds of people were watching the scene. I really hope they were praying too.

Crazy weird day.

His… Michelle
Philippians 1:20