
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

The longest year of our lives will end in 13 days. But has it been? The Longest year? It hasn’t been for me or my family. I’m so thankful. Coronavirus is beginning to makes its way through the people I know and love, but, so far, we haven’t lost anyone.

I keep thinking about “dodging bullets”. The longest years of my life occurred in the 80s. This was due to deaths in my family, a marriage turned abusive, turning my back on God. I haven’t had a longest year in 40 years!

Fifteen years into this wonderful relationship with the Lord, he’s taken me through some dark valleys, but he’s never left my side, not once. Oh what hope I have in him. I believe if I were still on my own like I was just 15 short years ago, I would still be having longest years ever.

Friends, I don’t know how your year has been. I pray for all those who’ve lost people to this virus. I pray that you know the Lord, that he is by your side leading you through the valley of the shadow of death. I pray that he is carrying you and comforting you. I pray that his light is shining on you and giving you peace even in the midst of tragedy. I really believe he is the only one who can make the longest year ever bearable.

May we, by the grace of God, conclude this year in hope.

Have a hopeful Five Minute Friday!

11 thoughts on “Conclude

  1. I was relieved to read your post today, if I am being honest. I have really struggled with not “suffering” through 2020 the way that some people seem to. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had unique challenges, but I have felt God’s peace through them and been able to (mostly) rest in Him. I pray He allows me to continue to grow closer to Him as this year ends and another begins.

    Amie, FMF #8

  2. Don’t know ’bout the lengthy year,
    but last night sure was long,
    full of pain and near to tears,
    and I neeed to be strong
    to outlast the bitter pain
    that wants to squeeze my life,
    make me not want to here remain;
    man, ’twas like a knife!
    But the Lord sat next to me,
    sat right down on the floor,
    and He said, “Your victory
    lies through that Golden Door,
    but if you want to stay and fight
    I’ll sit here with you, every night.”

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