victim or survivor?

After the very hard words of yesterday, I think I should write about something less intense today.

All this soul searching, examination of the past, has me thinking I should do something with my life, something honest, helpful, beyond nursing in the operating room where one moment the patient takes a five minute glance at you and the next is under general anesthesia.

A little over a year ago, the Lord impressed upon me to stop being a victim, to start being a survivor.

To be a victim is to stay stuck in the hole of despair.

So I chose to be a survivor. I’ve been working that out ever since. What does being a survivor look like?

It looks like honest reflection of a past that cannot be re-done. It is realizing I am more than the sum of my past mistakes. It is putting all my trust and faith in the One person who loves me, forgives me, has mercy on me.

I am a survivor — of various types of abuse, addiction, self injury, hard knocks. I want to help other women who’ve experienced similar injuries to stop living as victims, to become survivors.

What is this going to look like? I’m not entirely sure. I’m thinking of an online support group to reach as many as possible, Christ centered, Bible based, a place to lift each other up with prayer, encouragement, with real life coordinated get togethers/retreats thrown in.

Why? Because I can’t seem to find anything that is just right. I used to participate in Celebrate Recovery as a group leader. It was wonderful. But there are no groups out there that fit in with my schedule. Theirs is the model for what I’m thinking about doing because it’s really good.

I’m excited for this. I hope other ladies will be excited for something like this too.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

His… Michelle

Linking up with Unforced Rhythms, Salt+Light, #TellHisStory, and #ThoughtProvokingThursday.

9 thoughts on “victim or survivor?

  1. Hi Michelle! I worked in the OR as a nurse for many years. Really loved it too!
    But God is putting something else on your heart to do, and it sounds like you are really excited about the change. That’s so cool! You have a lot of hard-won wisdom and care to give, why not help others on-line?

    I wish you every blessing on your new course of action!

  2. Yes, yesterday was painful reading – but only because I just feel so sorry for the hurt and pain you have had to experience in your life. But yes, you ARE a survivor. And your willingness to openly share your story – the good, the bad, and the ugly – is what will inspire so many to turn to the Lord and hold on to His strength for all it’s worth. I think you will be a perfect mentor/counselor/friend to other women who need to recover or find their worth in Jesus. I will be praying for wise direction.

    I’m excited for you!


  3. Oh friend. This world needs many healers. Thank you for having the courage to say Here am I, Send me … and then watch and see what that will mean. Thanks for sharing your heart with us at Unforced Rhythms.

  4. Pingback: Being Real: Interrupter + Salt & Light #36 - Beautiful Ashes

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