transformed by renewing my mind_day 1

The first step in solving a problem is to realize there is a problem.

For me, that first step was coming to the end of myself, finally realizing I had no more answers, no more options, no more ways to distract myself from the fact my life was a huge mess.

I went to work that day the lowest I had ever been, wanting to die, knowing I couldn’t because of the boys. I literally hit bottom. I had no options in front of me and the prospect of living in that condition was unbearable.

But then my co-worker/friend told me how Jesus changed her life. I was intrigued by this twist in the story. At 42, I was introduced to Hope. Hope for a better life. Hope for a new life. Hope for transformation!

Ten days later I gave my life to the Lord. That was just about 9 years ago. I thought transformation would be easy, like flipping on a light switch so that a dark room becomes illuminated. But nothing in life is ever that simple, is it?

His… Michelle
Philippians 1:20

This is my day 1 in the #Write31Days challenge. I hope you’ll read along as I look at being transformed by renewing my mind.

Linking up with #TellHisStory.

All posts can be found here.

4 thoughts on “transformed by renewing my mind_day 1

  1. Hope. It’s often the missing ingredient for change. But without hope, we can’t even take the first step. What a blessing that your coworker shared Jesus with you, and that you were receptive.

  2. Ten days later! Wow. This speaks volumes to me, about how we can be involved in the Kingdom work of God simply by sharing the good news with the people right next to us!

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